Research areas

Below we would like to introduce examples of how to use our technology in research. Since Medicton deals with medical technology, most applications are associated with medical practice. However, the use of eye tracking is much wider – from equipment control by eye movements, user behavior analysis, marketing usage, to psychological studies.

Research in the field of medicine

Diagnosis of developmental disorders in children

It deals with developmental disorders in children, such as dyslexia. This method is based on the child’s behavior in a particular situation, and examines the manifestations of eye movements that compares and evaluates deviations from normal development. Research focuses on early diagnosis, when it is difficult to detect problems, for early targeting to improve development.

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Memory tests

The aim of the research is to test pupil responses to solving memory tests. These are changes in pupilometry depending on whether or not they remember the word.
Academic research collaboration with the Brain & Mind Electrophysiology laboratory was supported from the First Team grant program of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

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Medical diagnostics in neuroscience

Newest of the areas studied, where we see pupil size changes depending on memory and reaction effects. With the increasing popularity of eye movements and pupilometry in medicine, there is also a use to explore patients with functional mobility disorders. Neurological manifestations can often be observed in seemingly minor changes in the pupil and reaction times of the eye.

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Research in psychology

Testing of work competencies

Employee selection and training is a very complex task that is not easy for experienced psychologists. Therefore, a research tool to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of humans was developed. Using a “stress test” that is displayed on a computer monitor, where responses are tracked and access to task solving is evaluated. Tracking eye movements allows us to describe how the task is perceived. Based on strategies and performance, it is possible to draw attention to controlled competencies, or to aim to improve inappropriate manifestations for a given position.

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Behaviorální studie

Ut cursus lorem et libero elementum, nec fermentum nunc efficitur. Pellentesque eleifend sagittis ex non semper. Fusce malesuada enim tincidunt, varius odio ut, venenatis metus

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Marketing studies

Eye tracking in marketing is used to correctly target your ad or to find ergonomics for product placement based on tracked objects and location. However, our research has dealt with the effects of certain objects on emotions. It is concerned with observing the reactions of different people to stimuli. From the emotional expression of the person during the observation, it is possible to deduce the visual effect of the group to lure the positive perception of the product. This characteristic was captured by pupil size change.

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Research in the field of technology

PC control using eye movement

The first very successful application is the use of eye movements to control personal computer. For this purpose, the I4Control® system (the older analogue version of the spectacle tracker) was used. The function is relatively simple, but it is very effective for people with limited upper leg movement. Eye movements simulate mouse movements, which is often the only option for PC control in these patients.